What Every Believing Christian
Should Know about Roman Catholicism
Did you know that the Roman Catholic Church teaches:
there is another source independent of the Bible which is recognized and addressed as the Word of God?
the death of Jesus did not secure the removal of all punishment due our sin?
that Jesus, along with His mother Mary and the saints of God, cooperate together in securing the salvation of the redeemed?
Writing from a former Roman Catholic perspective, Dr. Douglas J Foss addresses these and a plethora of other questions in The Christian Choice and reveals the stunning fact that the gospel as taught by the Roman Catholic Church is not the gospel revealed in the pages of Scripture, nor embraced by the early Church. And even more alarming is the apparent biblical and theological illiteracy characterizing contemporary “evangelicalism” today, as too many have naively capitulated to Rome’s gospel, which has historically been understood as hostile to the biblical gospel of justification by faith alone.
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About the Author
Douglas J. Foss is a graduate of Berkshire Christian College (Th.B) and Reformed Theological Seminary (M.Div., D.Min.). Doug is presently serving in his thirty- fourth year as the Senior Pastor of Hope Church in Lenox, MA. In addition to his pastoral duties, Doug has served on the Board of Directors of the Berkshire Institute for Christian Studies (BICS) and is currently the instructor of Systematic Theology at the Institute. He has also served many years on the Ministerial Committee and the Conference Board of the New Life Conference. Doug and his wife, Cindy, currently the Executive Assistant at the Berkshire Institute for Christian Studies, have been married fifty years and have three children and ten grandchildren.
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